Making Space
Making Space is a journey of reclaiming autonomy and self-expression after years of feeling stifled in environments that didn’t allow for the fullness of existence. Originally inspired from a hundred days of photography project, this book is a blend of poetry and self-portraits as a vulnerable curiosity for the self. Get a glimpse into the process of me leaving church, relationships, questioning faith and gaining confidence in who I am.
Making Space - $55
Signed copy of hardback book, 8 in x 8 in, 56 premium matte laminated pages
Making Space Deluxe - $85
Signed copy of hardback book, 8 in x 8 in, 56 premium matte laminated pages
B-Sides: a mini flipbook of additional photos taken during the process of Making Space
Creating Space: 5-prompts for practicing showing up for yourself, including personal stories from Paige’s experience